who am i

i am a professional.i am a husband.i am a father.i am a Techie.i am a developer.i am a writer.i am a blogger. i am a brother. i am a son. i am a friend. i am a fixer.i am a man. i am a dreamer.i am a teacher. i am a gamer. i live because of God and through Him alone expect more from life. i am a social engineer. i still believe in humanity. i purposely left the "i" in lowercase. i cry when i am sad. i laugh when i am happy. i start my day with thanks giving and Prayer , and end it with a Glass of wine and Prayer. i am random.i am simply me.


Mrs.O said…
i think i know you :-). Honest prose.
lue said…
Ohhhh boy.
Precise and lovely
Would like to be you
Long time
the walking man said…
And no more is expected of any man.
We are intricately made aren't we, capable of much; good and bad. Thanks be to God that he has his hand on us. :)
Robyn.K.Y said…
@Eaton Bennet Couldnt say it any better.
Robyn.K.Y said…
@the walking man thank for stopping by my old friend.
Lucie said…
You are the apprentice who has become a master. Love you.
Robyn.K.Y said…
@Lucie Ive picked from the Best

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